Saturday, January 29, 2011

Caught Cookie-handed

This is our first post on the blog! Yay! It only took us a few years :-). I just wanted to share one of the many hilarious things Samantha does on a regular basis. This was shortly after Christmas. While I was using the restroom (ahem) one morning, Samantha decided she would help herself to some breakfast. She went into the kitchen and pulled down a neighbor treat plate that was up on the island (supposedly out of her reach) and retrieved all three cookies that were left on the plate. When I came out of the bathroom and around the corner to the stairs, this is what I found (the fact that her hair had been in ponytails the night before only added to the perfect picture):

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lizzy is 8

I haven't posted in some time.  Here are a few photos... mostly surrounding Lizzy's birthday and baptism.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More Heath Haven Christmas

Someone new here - look for Aunt Amy

Christmas Eve at Heath Haven - 2010

The birthday cheesecake and beloved daughter

The beautiful Christmas Eve birthday girl

Fearful shepherd

Glorious and joyful angel

Reverent and sweet parents

That wonderful Christmas music - we were there!

Dallin plays French horn with Orem High orchestra

Dallin enveloped in music - impressionist rendering

Camille sings recitatives from Messiah with Orem High School A'Cappella

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happenings in late 2010 (in reverse order)

December 11 - Holly opens early birthday gift from the Thompsons.

December 11 - After-the-symphony ("Polar Express") party at Grammy and Grandpa's.

November 30 - Stopping at mile post 100 on a snowy day.

Novenber 30 - Bringing Ben back to reality (college) after celebrating Thanksgiving, Lydia's blessing, and Chelsea's Young Womanhood Recognition in Escondido.

November 13 - Morgan and Amy opening wedding gift from Thompsons.

Morgan and Amy open wedding gifts

Morgan and Amy opened their wedding gifts at our place on November 13, 2010. This is something Dad and I got to witness and wanted to share it with the rest of you.

Drapers at Christmas

Here are a few images from our Christmas holiday!  Merry Christmas, everyone!
The shepherds in our nativity scene.

The wise men... or wise women, Abby and Lizzy.

The angel, Maggie

The traditional pause on the stairs in Kaysville for picture time.

Mother and child.