Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mr. Sissy-pants gets an ow-ee

Just so everyone knows the story, I was playing an heroic game of basketball at the church.  I got a little bit zealous and was trying to save a wild ball from going out of bounds!  My foot stayed planted while I pivoted and my knee went ker-pop!  (Did I mention it was a carpeted gym... I think that helped.)  It turned out that I had torn my ACL.  So, last Friday I had surgery to reconstruct it.  My understanding is they took a graft from my hamstring.  They drilled holes in my bones and attached the graft where the old ACL used to be.  Now I'm walking with crutches and toning it down a little on the court.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sweet Samantha

Maddi has a sister! Sweet Samantha Joy.
What a cutie!

Expressive Peter

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Holly and Peter for an improv photo shoot one day in May. Here are a few of the results.

Alex In His Sunday Best

Alex put on a tie for Father's Day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chelsea's Father's Day Talk :)

Here is my talk I gave today (Father's Day!!)

Good morning brothers and sisters and happy fathers day.

My dad is my hero.

Joanna F. shared similar feelings in the following poem:

"My daddy was my hero
For my very youngest years;
Daddy kept me safe and happy,
And he chased away my fears.
I watched in awe and wonder
At each manly thing he did;
Oh, I looked up to my daddy,
When I was a little kid
My dad was still my hero,
As the years passed, one by one.
He taught important lessons,
And he took some time for fun.
He was my firm foundation;
On my dad I did depend;
He was always there for me,
My dad, my guide, my friend
My father is my hero,
Now that I am almost grown
I love him and respect him,
best man I've ever known.
I know that when I marry
My husband has to be
A great man, just like my father,
Dad, my hero you'll always be."

My dad is my hero because he works hard to support our family. He is unselfish and finds time to show his care and interest to my family and me. I know he loves me and has and will sacrifice a lot for me. Ever since I was very young, we have always had special times together. I remember a time several years ago where he had been very busy and we hadn’t seen a lot of him. One night when he got home after I was already asleep, he woke me up and took me in my pajamas to go get ice cream and watch the races. I will always remember how he took this time to show me he loved me. My dad is my hero because he knows what to do in an emergency. He has saved several lives by thinking and acting quickly and unselfishly. He has been able to help me through my own challenges because he is a worthy priesthood holder, and is always ready and willing to give me a blessing if I ask.

In the February 1995 new era Elder Rex D. Pinegar shared this story from his youth.
When you’re wrestling with life, it’s good to know you’ve got someone else working hard for you.
When I was a junior in high school, I was wrestling in a state tournament against an opponent that I had previously defeated twice during the year. As we met at the center of the mat with the referee before the match, my rival looked at me and said, “Today is my day, Pinegar.” I assured him that it was not, that I had already beaten him twice during the year, and this would be the third time.
As the match began, we circled each other and then clashed. We wrestled very, very hard. He was serious about wanting to defeat me, and in fact was so serious that he turned me every way but loose. As I would go down to the mat with him, I realized I had mat burns all over my body.
In the third round, he had me in a position where my head was twisted in the three-quarter Nelson, and he had a leg hold on me. I realized if I moved any farther he would pin me. At that moment, I looked into the crowd, and several rows into the bleachers I saw a very large man, probably six feet, five inches tall and about 280 pounds. From the expression on his face, it looked like he was trying to help me. So I watched him for just that brief second, and I realized that if he was trying to help me the two of us could surely defeat this fellow who was about to pin me.
I don’t know if it was because of that, but almost immediately after I had turned my face away from him I noticed my opponent had slipped his right arm over a little bit too far. If I could hook his elbow, I could reverse the hold and pin him instead of being pinned. Without hesitating I quickly pulled on his elbow. Over he went and I had him pinned.
Following my win, I was anxious to let the man know I appreciated his help. As I stood waiting for the referee to raise my hand, I looked around to see if I could find the man. In the same place I had seen him before, I saw him standing very straight with a satisfied, if not proud, look on his face. He looked at me and smiled. I guess I can confess that this man was my father.
As I learned during my wrestling experience to look for help from my father, in life I have learned that when trials seem so difficult, when a challenge is so great that we see no way out, and when we feel we’re about to lose our “match,” that is the moment to look to our Heavenly Father. As we do, we will discover that he is working as hard as he can for our success. Realizing this will bring us strength and courage. If we act on that courage we will discover a way has been provided by him for us to overcome the difficulty or temptation we have faced.
Our Heavenly Father is always there, waiting for the opportunity to give us his encouragement and even extend to us his power. He may not remove the challenge from us, but he will provide the strength and the opportunity for us to come out the victor.

The first line of the young women’s theme says “We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us…” Do we really know this? Do we still know it when we have trials and things aren’t going exactly how we want them to?

When my grandma served in the Carlsbad mission, she became good friends with another sister missionary, named Terri Mitchell. In 2002 Brother and Sister Mitchell and their daughter Ashley were walking across seaside boulders near their home in northern California. Her dad was taking pictures of beautiful scenes for watercolors he would paint. Out of nowhere and with no warning a huge wave swept him out to sea and dragged Sister Mitchell along the boulders. Ashley was inland far enough that the wave missed her. Terrorized by what she had just witnessed, she ran for help. Within minutes, a man with a cell phone called emergency numbers and the rescue began. Her mother had landed in a spot that was difficult to get to and she could only be reached my helicopter. She was in horrible pain with a broken back and arm, and with several cuts and gashes due to the force of the ocean dragging her along the rocks. As for her father, he was nowhere to be found. As Ashley’s mother lay on the edge of the sea waiting for rescue, she felt her husband’s presence. At this time, she knew without a doubt that he was gone. His body was never found. Heavenly Father didn’t save Ashley’s dad, yet Ashley still knows that he loves her. She says “During that time, I felt comfort from the Holy Ghost. I knew I would see my dad again, and I felt the Lord’s love through the kind care of others.” Ashley’s mom, Sister Mitchell, was rescued and eventually recovered. When she served with my grandparents in the mission field she was always cheerful and doing things to help others. It is clear that she knows of her Heavenly Father’s love for her, and she tries to share that love with everyone around her.

Like my dad, Heavenly Father is my hero. He has done everything he can to make it so I can return safely back to Him. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Former President Gordon B. Hinkley shared “Your eternal father is the great master of the universe. He rules over all, but he also will listen to your prayers as his children and hear you speak with him. He will answer your prayers. He will not leave you alone.”

I know that this is true and I am thankful for my amazing dad, and everything he does for me. He is truly my hero and a great man. I am also very thankful for my Heavenly Father. I know that he loves me, and I love him. I know that no matter what happens he will always be there to give strength and comfort. He hears and answers prayers. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's been a memorable week in the life of the Drapers.  I expect the most memorable moments were when we found out we weren't going to be hired by BYU Broadcasting and when we found out that Jacob Sr. indeed did tear his ACL and would need surgery.  However, we don't have any pictures of those.  So, instead you get photos of the great moments above.  Lizzy and Jacob Jr. both played their last t-ball games on Saturday.  Abby, Lizzy and Maggie got to stay in their pajamas until who knows when on, oh, probably Thursday.  And Peter still looks cute and curious all the time.  (Photo credit--Lizzy took the picture of Peter.)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update on the Drapers

Another week has gone by and still we don't know the future nor fate of the Draper family. I had asked the human resources representative when I might hear back as I left my interview last week. She said she thought they would make a decision within the coming week. I guess that wasn't set in stone, because we still haven't heard back. But I did exchange a quick email with her yesterday... I'm still in the running, so don't give up hope. We appreciate all of your prayers.