Sunday, April 26, 2009

RE: Graduation

That's me, to the immediate right of the fellow with the lei.
I graduated this week! Thank you to all of you who supported me in one way or another.

I was very grateful to have my family present... the kids did a great job enduring a somewhat tedious (at times) ceremony that involved the reading of something like a thousand names. Here, Maggie does sign language for "boring." (She didn't learn that from me! -- Actually, she doesn't know that that's what it means.)

Thank you to Heidi for her well-wishing in her last post (below.) It is wonderful to feel your support.

I was honored to have Grammy and Grampa Heath in attendance at both commencement and convocation. It was wonderful to feel their support. Come to think of it, I have felt their support this whole time.

On a final note, good luck to Gwen and Mitch (and baby) tomorrow. We're thinking of you!

Congratulations, Jacob!

Congratulations are in order for Jacob due to his recent graduation from the BYU Marriot School of Management. Well done! We are very happy for you!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Here!

I'm Spencer Heath. I have been invited to this blog. Any questions?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A late easter update

Above is a picture of Peter with his Grandpa just before we left Kaysville after a fun visit during General Conference weekend.

It was raining mightily on the Saturday before Easter, so we had our egg hunt inside the house. I think we found all the eggs. I guess we'll know for sure if we start smelling strange odors in the next few days.

Abby and Lizzy are out for spring break, starting today. We couldn't ask for nicer spring break weather. It snowed several inches (and rained quite a bit, too.) I went to the DMV in Orem to renew my drivers license this afternoon. It was a bit of a blizzard.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Take A Walk With Me Through My Garden

Pretty things are blooming here and I am becoming acquainted with some very friendly flowers.

Come Swim In Our Pool!

It's getting warmer and soon will be time to go swimming! Come on down and we'll have a party!