Monday, November 23, 2009

Draper Kids meet Macintosh Computer

The participants in this video were very interested in having it put on the blog. Enjoy!

Walking historic ground - "Plimoth" plantation on Cape Cod.

Put yourself in the picture back in 1620 when our "Forefathers," as they were known first built here overlooking the vast ocean they had traversed.

This Elder was the leader of their community. When dad mentioned a future happening he denied that anything of the sort happened because this was the year 1620.
Once inside, this seems a spacious dwelling, and all the furnishings are derived from the land and have been made by this tribe of descendants.
As a school child I was quite captivated with study about Indians and their hogans. Imagine my delight on this day when I got to go inside one!
This is modeled after the original ship which brought our "Pilgrim" ancestors to this country in 1620. Mayflower II docked at Plymouth.
Building a home using all authentic tools and materials.
Doesn't this transport you back in time? Everything has been done to preserve authenticity.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


We took a family outing to the Monte L. Bean Museum at BYU to check out the beans. Abigail grew a handsome new set of horns and ears.
Jacob Jr. (above) standing next to the elephant (deceased) at the Bean Museum.
Abigail (below) with friends standing near the elephant (living) at the Hogle Zoo. Holly and Abby went on a school field trip to the zoo and had a very fun time. They went goo-goo for an orangutan who had a certain cuteness that reminded them of Peter.
Our chestnut tree was the last holdout for leaves in our yard. However, it finally let its leaves down in droves this past week. We had a fun time playing in the leaf piles!

Our recent visit to "Plimoth" Plantation in Massachusetts