Thursday, August 27, 2009

We were astounded to discover a whole fleet of parasails above our house a week or so ago.  We enjoyed sitting on the lawn watching them whirl in the air.  Abigail took this picture.  You can see how many there were.  This was less than half of them.

This is Jacob Jr.'s continuously evolving dinosaur diorama, complete with lava and cinders.

Jacob Sr. and Holly on our 10th anniversary!


This week...

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long. 

Tuesday was a memorable day.  I was working from home, doing some stuff for a video for Axial Biotech (the company I currently work for).  It turned out to be somewhat providential that I was at home, because right about the time Abby and Lizzy were headed to school, Jacob Jr. threw up!  Holly took him in to the doctor's.  He had a fever and other symptoms and was diagnosed with strep throat.  A little later in the day, Lizzy called from school.  She wasn't feeling so well.  Turned out that she was showing early signs of strep as well.  Last Friday, Maggie was diagnosed with strep, and on Saturday Peter was diagnosed with an ear infection.  So... now we have four pink bottles full of Amoxicillin all in a row in the fridge and four sick babies.  Except, now they've all been on their medicine for over 24 hours, so everyone is well again.  Hooray!

On Monday night, I had the distinctive privilege of pulling out Lizzy's front tooth.  She was all jittery about it, flittering hither and thither evasively.  But, as she declared she was determined to have the tooth out, we pressed forward (and pulled outward, and twisted) until the job was done.  I will miss her baby teeth; but she sure looks cute with the little gap in her mouth.

Abby and Lizzy on their first day back to school, sporting brand new school clothes.  They even wore sweaters because the morning was cool.  Aug 19, 2009

Margaret Josephine, the new Lord of the Dance.  Scoot over Colin Dunne.

Elisabeth with a missing front tooth!  Aug 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some cute friends (actually cousins - can't beat that!)

Happy Anniversary, Heidi and Anthony! 22 years!